Repeat After Me
2024, SHErobots Exhibition launch, TU Delft Library, Delft, The Netherlands
2024, SHErobots Exhibition launch, TU Delft Library, Delft, The Netherlands
I often wished for a third arm, to make my life easier. Getting up in the morning, grooming and getting ready for the day … surely more efficient with the help of a robotic arm. But I forgot about the training!
Using improvised performance as a research methodology, I enquire into future worlds, where humans and robots live with, learn from, and adapt to each other. Raising questions as to who is becoming-human, or indeed, who or what is becoming-robot. |
Concept, choreography and performance: Lian Loke Kuka Iiwa robot courtesy of Micah Prendergast, Cognitive Robotics Lab (TUD) Robot programming: Charlotte Firth (UNSW), Lynn Masuda (USYD), Yi Zhao (USYD) Music: Lindsay Webb Vocals: Bronwyn Turnbull Video credit: TU Delft New Media Centre Performance consultants: Lee-Anne Litton, Bronwyn Turnbull |