Tomitsch, M., Borthwick, M., Ahmadpour, N., Cooper, C., Frawley, J., Hepburn, L.A., Kocaballi, A.B., Loke, L., Núñez-Pacheco, C., Straker, K., Wrigley, C. Design. Think. Make. Break. Repeat. A Handbook of Methods (revised ed.). BIS Publishers, NL, 2021.
Tomitsch, M., Wrigley, C., Borthwick, M., Ahmadpour, N., Frawley, J.K., Kocaballi, A.B., Núñez-Pacheco, C., Straker, K., Loke, L. Design. Think. Make. Break. Repeat: A Handbook of Methods. BIS Publishers, NL, 2018.
Loke, L., Reinhardt, D. (2023). Rouge and Robot: The Disruptive Feminine. In Belinda J. Dunstan, Jeffrey T. K. V. Koh, Deborah Turnbull Tillman, Scott Andrew (Eds.), Cultural Robotics: Social Robots and Their Emergent Cultural Ecologies, (pp. 237-255). Switzerland: Springer Cham.
Loke L., Matthews B. (2020). Scaffolding of Interaction Design Education Towards Ethical Design Thinking. In: Melles G. (eds) Design Thinking in Higher Education. Design Science and Innovation. Springer, Singapore.
Loke, L. and Khut, G.P. (2014). Intimate Aesthetics and Facilitated Interaction. In Candy, L., Ferguson, S. (Eds.) Interactive Experience in the Digital Age – Evaluating New Art Practice, Springer International Publishing. ISBN 978-3-319-04510-8
Reinhardt, D. and Loke, L. (2013). Entangled. Complex Bodies and Sensate Machines. In Dong, A., Conomos, J., Buckley, B. (Eds.) Ecologies of Invention, University of Sydney Press.
Richards, K., Gibson, R., Loke, L. (2006). Bystander – A Responsive, Immersive ‘Spirit World’ Environment for Multiple Users. In P Beesley, S Hirosue, J Ruxton, M Trankle, C Turner (Eds.), Responsive Architectures: Subtle Technologies 2006, (pp. 106-109). Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Riverside Architectural Press.
Tait, K., Silveira, S., Holloway, L., Reinhardt, D., Loke, L., Jones, E. (2023). Ensuring playground access for children with vision impairment. Vision Rehabilitation International, 14(1), 1-11.
Dias Pereira dos Santos, A., Loke, L., Yacef, K., Martinez-Maldonado, R. (2022). Enriching teachers’ assessments of rhythmic Forró dance skills by modelling motion sensor data. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 161(102776), 1-14.
Mah, K., Loke, L., Hespanhol, L. (2021). Towards a Contemplative Research Framework for Training Self-Observation in HCI: A Study of Compassion Cultivation. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 28(6).
Chew, L., Hespanhol, L., Loke, L. (2021). To Play and To Be Played: Exploring the Design of Urban Machines for Playful Placemaking. Frontiers in Computer Science, 3, 635949-1-635949-17.
Peters, D., Loke, L., Ahmadpour, N. (2021). Toolkits, cards and games - A review of analogue tools for design ideation. CoDesign, 1-25.
Cochrane, K., Loke, L., Ahmadpour, N., Schiphorst, T., Campbell, A., and Núñez-Pacheco, C. (2021). A Comparison Design Study of Feedback Modalities to Support Deep Breathing Whilst Performing Work Tasks. WORK - A Journal of Prevention Assessment & Rehabilitation.
Claudia Núñez-Pacheco & Lian Loke (2020) Getting into someone else's soul: communicating embodied experience, Digital Creativity, DOI: 10.1080/14626268.2020.1835987
Reinhardt, D., Haeusler, M. H., London, K., Loke, L., Feng, Y., De Oliveira Barata, E., Firth, C., Dunn, K., Khean, N., Fabbri, A., Wozniak-O’Connor, D., & Masuda, R. (2020). CoBuilt 4.0: Investigating the potential of collaborative robotics for subject matter experts. International Journal of Architectural Computing.
Khan, M., Loke, L. (2019). A Nexus of Social Justice, Tradition, and Disaster Risk Reduction in Balakot, Pakistan: Fostering Independence or Dependence?. Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Review, 29(1), 63-82.
Núñez-Pacheco, C. and Loke, L. (2018) Towards a technique for articulating aesthetic experiences in design using Focusing and the Felt Sense.
The Design Journal.
Loke, L. and Núñez-Pacheco, C. (2018) Developing somatic sensibilities for practices of discernment in interaction design. The Senses and Society Journal 13 (2), July 2018.
Höök K, Caramiaux B, Erkut C, Forlizzi J, Hajinejad N, Haller M, Hummels CCM, Isbister K, Jonsson M, Khut G, Loke L, Lottridge D, Marti P, Melcer E, Müller FF, Petersen MG, Schiphorst T, Segura EM, Ståhl A, Svanæs D, Tholander J, Tobiasson H. Embracing First-Person Perspectives in Soma-Based Design. Informatics 5(1) 2018, 8.
Khan, M.A. and Loke, L. (2017) A Nexus of Social Justice, Tradition, and Disaster Risk Reduction in Balakot, Pakistan: Fostering Independence or Dependence? Field Report TDSR Volume XXIX (I) 2017, 63-82.
Khan, M.A. and Loke, L. (2017) Locative media interventionism – a conceptual framework for critical review of augmented reality applications in the participatory spatial design context. International Journal of Architectural Research. Volume 11 (1), March 2017.
Loke, L. (2016) Falling Robots. Fibreculture Journal, issue 28 (Creative Robotics – Rethinking Human Machine Configurations).
Loke, L. and Kocaballi, A.B. (2016) Choreographic inscriptions: A framework for exploring sociomaterial influences on qualities of movement for HCI. Human Technology Journal Special issue on Human–Technology Choreographies: Body, Movement, and Space. Volume 12 (1), May 2016, 31-55.
Reinhardt, D. and Loke, L. (2013) GOLD (Monstrous Topographies) – Exploring Bodies in Complex Spatiality: Trespassing, Invading, Forging Body(ies). International Journal of Interior Architecture + Spatial Design, Vol. 2.
Loke, L. and Robertson, T. (2013) Moving and Making Strange: An Embodied Approach to Movement-based Interaction Design. ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact. 20, 1, Article 7 (March 2013), 25 pages. Special issue on The Theory and Practice of Embodied Interaction in HCI and Interaction Design.
Loke, L., Khut, G., Muller, L., Slattery, M., Truman, C. and Duckworth, J. (2013) Re-sensitising the body: Interactive art and the Feldenkrais Method. International Journal of Arts and Technology, Special Issue on Whole-Body Interaction.
Loke, L. and Robertson, T. (2010) Studies of dancers: Moving from experience to interaction design. International Journal of Design, 4(2), pp.39-54, Special Issue on Aesthetics of Interaction.
Loke, L. and Robertson, T. (2009) Design representations of moving bodies in interactive, immersive spaces, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 67 (4), pp.394-410.
Loke, L., Larssen, A. T., Robertson, T., Edwards, J. (2007) Understanding Movement for Interaction Design: Frameworks and Approaches, Journal Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Special Issue on Movement-Based Interaction.
Larssen, A.T., Robertson, T., Loke, L. and Edwards, J. (Eds.) Introduction to the special issue on movement-based interaction. Journal Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Special Issue on Movement-Based Interaction, 11 (8), 607-608, December 2007.
Reinhardt, D., Silveira, S., Tait, K., Loke, L., Jones, E., Holloway, L. (2023). Playground for Blind and Low-Vision Children - Improving Access and Play for Children, Parents and Carers in Cities. International Union of Architects (UIA), Switzerland: World Congress of Architects.
Ahmadpour, N., Loke, L., Gray, C., Cao, Y., Macdonald, C., Hart, R. (2023). Understanding how technology can support social-emotional learning of children: a dyadic trauma-informed participatory design with proxies. CHI '23: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Hamburg, Germany: ACM CHI.
Abe, N., Rye, D., Loke, L. (2022). A Microsociological Approach to Understanding the Boundary Between Robot Cooperativeness and Uncooperativeness in Human-Robot Collaboration. RO-MAN 2022 - 31st IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication: Social, Asocial, and Antisocial Robots, : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Lian Loke, Aaron Blishen, Carl Gray, and Naseem Ahmadpour. 2021. Safety, Connection and Reflection: Designing with Therapists for Children with Serious Emotional Behaviour Issues . In CHI ’21: The ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, May 8-13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan. ACM, New York, NY, USA.
Karen Anne Cochrane, Lian Loke, Matthew Leete, Andrew Campbell, and Naseem Ahmadpour. Understanding the First Person Experience of Walking Mindfulness Meditation Facilitated by EEG Modulated Interactive Soundscape. In TEI '21: Fifteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction, February 14–17, 2021, Salzburg, Austria. ACM, New York, NY, USA.
Louis Chew, Lian Loke, and Luke Hespanhol. 2020. A Preliminary Design Vocabulary for Interactive Urban Play: Analysing and Composing Design Configurations for Playful Digital Placemaking. In OzCHI ’20: Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction, December 02–04, 2020, Sydney, NSW . ACM, New York, NY, USA.
Karen Anne Cochrane, Lian Loke, Andrew Campbell, and Naseem Ahmadpour. 2020. Mediscape: Preliminary Design Guidelines for Interactive Rhythmic Soundscapes for Entraining Novice Mindfulness Meditators. In OzCHI ’20: Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction, December 02–04, 2020, Sydney, NSW . ACM, New York, NY, USA.
Kristina Mah, Lian Loke, and Luke Hespanhol. 2020. Understanding Compassion Cultivation for Design: Towards an Autoethnography of Tonglen. In OzCHI ’20: Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction, December 02–04, 2020, Sydney, NSW . ACM, New York, NY, USA.
Joanne Martin, Lian Loke, and Kazjon Grace. 2020. Challenges facing movement research in the time of Covid-19: Issues in redesigning workshops for remote participation and data collection. In OzCHI ’20: Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction, December 02–04, 2020, Sydney, NSW . ACM, New York, NY, USA.
Núñez-Pacheco, C. and Loke, L. (2020) Aesthetic Qualities of Thermal and Vibrotactile Materials for Somatic Contemplation. ISEA Montreal, Canada.
Karen Anne Cochrane, Lian Loke, Andrew Campbell, Matthew Leete, and Naseem Ahmadpour. 2020. An Interactive Soundscape to Assist Group Walking Mindfulness Meditation. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Movement and Computing (MOCO ’20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 21, 1–3. DOI:
Kristina Mah, Lian Loke, and Luke Hespanhol. 2020. Designing With Ritual Interaction: A Novel Approach to Compassion Cultivation Through a Buddhist-Inspired Interactive Artwork. In Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI ’20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 363–375. DOI: Honourable Mention Award.
Louis Chew, Karen Anne Cochrane, Luke Hespanhol, and Lian Loke. 2020. Sounds of Infinity: Playful Illusions with Performative Interaction. In Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI ’20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 669–675. DOI:
Frank Feltham, James Curtis, and Lian Loke. 2020. The Prefix/Suffix Model: Data Extraction to Encourage Expressive Walking Movements through Sonification. In Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI ’20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 545–550. DOI:
Reinhardt, D., Haeusler, M.H., Loke, L., Barata, E., Firth, C., Khean, N., London, K., Feng, Y., & Watt, R. CoBuilt Towards a novel methodology for workflow capture and analysis of carpentry tasks for human-robot collaboration. In Matter - DIGITAL PRODUCTION AND ROBOTICS 2 - Volume 3 - eCAADe 37 / SIGraDi 23, 207- 216.
Bown, O., Ferguson, S., Bray, L., Fraietta, A., Loke, L. (2019). Facilitating Creative Exploratory Search with Multiple Networked Audio Devices Using HappyBrackets. In Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, UFRGS, 286–291.
Abe, N., Rye, D. and Loke, L. 2019. A Microsociological Approach to Understanding the Robot Collaborative Motion in Human-Robot Interaction. In Proceedings of the 31st Australian Conference on Human-Computer-Interaction (OZCHI’19). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 407–411.
Lian Loke, Oliver Bown, Samuel Ferguson, Liam Bray, Angelo Fraietta, Kirsten Packham, 2018. Your Move Sounds So Predictable! In Proc. 2018 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play Companion Extended Abstracts, ACM, 121-125.
Augusto Dias Pereira Dos Santos, Lie Ming Tang, Lian Loke and Roberto Martinez-Maldonado (2018) You Are Off The Beat! Is Accelerometer Data Enough for Measuring Dance Rhythm? In Proc. MOCO 2018. Italy.
Dias Pereira dos Santos, A., Loke, L. and Martinez-Maldonado, R. 2018. Exploring video annotation as a tool to support dance teaching. In Proceedings of the 30th Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction (OzCHI '18). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 448-452.
Cochrane, K.A., Loke, L., de Bérigny, C. and Campbell, A. 2018. Sounds in the moment: designing an interactive EEG nature soundscape for novice mindfulness meditators. In Proceedings of the 30th Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction (OzCHI '18). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 298-302.
Alarcon-Licona, S., Loke, L. and Ahmadpour, N. 2018. From autism educators to game designers: integrating teaching strategies into game design for autism education support. In Proceedings of the 30th Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction (OzCHI '18). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 58-62.
Alarcon-Licona, S. and Loke, L. (2017) Autistic Children’s Use of Technology and Media: A Fieldwork Study. IDC '17, June 27-30, 2017, Stanford, CA, USA.
Feltham, F. and Loke, L. (2017) Felt Sense through Auditory Display: A Design Case Study into Sound for Somatic Awareness while Walking. Creativity and Cognition 2017, Singapore.
Loke, L., de Berigny, C., Kim, Y., Núñez-Pacheco, C, and Cochrane, K. (2017) Visualising the Meditating Mind: the Aesthetics of Brainwave Data. ISEA2017, Columbia.
Núñez-Pacheco, C. and Loke, L. (2017) Tacit Narratives: Surfacing Aesthetic Meaning by Using Wearable Props and Focusing. In Proc. TEI17. Yokohama, Japan.
Núñez-Pacheco, C. and Loke, L. (2016) Felt-sensing Archetypes: Analysing Patterns of Accessing Tacit Meaning in Design. In Proc. OZCHI2016. Launceston, Australia.
Núñez-Pacheco, C. and Loke, L. (2015) The Felt Sense Project: Towards A Methodological Framework For Designing and Crafting from the Inner Self. ISEA2015, Vancouver, Canada.
Bown, O., Loke, L., Ferguson, S. and Reinhardt, D. (2015) Distributed Interactive Audio Devices: Creative strategies and audience responses to novel musical interaction scenarios. In Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Electronic Art. Vancouver, Canada. August 14th-18th, 2015.
Loke, L., Reinhardt, D. and McNeilly, J. (2015) Performer-Machine Scores for Choreographing Bodies, Interaction and Kinetic Materials. In Proc. MOCO'15, 2nd International Workshop on Movement and Computing: Intersecting Art, Meaning, Cognition, Technology, ACM.
Khan, M.A. and Loke, L. (2014) Reclamation of public space authorship: What does augmented reality have to offer. IASTE 2014, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Núñez-Pacheco, C. and Loke, L. (2014) Aesthetic Resources for Technology-mediated Self-reflection: The Case of Eloquent Robes. In OZCHI 2014.
Núñez-Pacheco, C. and Loke, L. (2014) Crafting the Body-Tool: A Body-centred Perspective on Wearable Technology Design. In DIS '14: Proceedings of the 2014 Designing Interactive Systems Conference, ACM.
Feltham, F., Loke, L., van den Hoven, E., Hannam, J. and Bongers, B. (2014) The Slow Floor: Increasing creative agency while walking on an interactive surface. In Proc. TEI ’14, ACM.
Pohl, I.M. and Loke, L. (2014) Touch Toolkit: A method to convey touch-based design knowledge and skills. In Proc. TEI ’14, ACM.
Loke, L. and Robertson, T. (2013) Moving and Making Strange: An Embodied Approach to Movement-based Interaction Design. Presented at CHI2013, Paris, France.
Reinhardt, D. and Loke, L. (2013) Not What We Think: Sensate Machines for Rewiring Cognition. In Proc. Creativity and Cognition 2013, ACM.
Kocaballi, A.B., Gemeinboeck, P., Saunders, R., Dong, A., and Loke, L. Interplay of scripts and resistance in a participatory workshop. In Cleland, K., Fisher, L. & Harley, R. (2013) Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium of Electronic Art, ISEA2013, Sydney.
Pohl, I. and Loke, L. (2012) Engaging the Sense of Touch in Interactive Architecture. In Proceedings of the 24th Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference (OzCHI ’12), Vivienne Farrell, Graham Farrell, Caslon Chua, Weidong Huang, Raj Vasa, and Clinton Woodward (Eds.). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 493-496.
Loke, L., Khut, G. P. and Kocaballi, A. B. (2012) Bodily Experience and Imagination: Designing Ritual Interactions for Participatory Live-Art Contexts. In Proceedings of the Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS ’12). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 779-788.
Kocaballi, A. B., Gemeinboeck, P., Saunders, R., Dong, A. and Loke, L. (2012) Transformations, Enactments, and Distrust in Promoting Multiplicity in Design Process. Participatory Innovation Conference PIN-C2012, Melbourne, Australia.
Kocaballi, A. B., Gemeinboeck, P., Saunders, R., Dong, A. and Loke, L. (2012) Embracing Relational Agency in Design Process. Design and Semantics of Form and Movement DESFORM 2012, Wellington, New Zealand.
Kocaballi, A. B., Gemeinboeck, P., Saunders, R., Dong, A. and Loke, L. (2011) Embracing Relational Agency in Design Process of Machine-Mediated Performances. SEAM Symposium 2011, Critical Path, Sydney.
Loke, L. and Robertson, T. (2011) The Lived Body in Design: Mapping the Terrain. In Proceedings of OZCHI 2011.
Loke, L. and Khut, G. P. (2010) Surging Verticality: An Experience of Balance. In Proceedings of TEI2011.
Robertson, T. and Loke, L. (2009) Designing Situations. In Proceedings of OZCHI 2009.
Loke L. and Robertson T. (2008) Inventing and Devising Movement in the Design of Movement-based Interactive Systems. In Proceedings of OZCHI 2008, pp. 81-88.
Loke, L., Robertson, T. (2007) Making Strange with the Falling Body in Interactive Technology Design. In Proceedings of Design and Semantics of Form and Movement (DeSForM 2007), eds L. Feijs, S. Kyffin & B. Young, Newcastle, UK.
Robertson, T., Mansfield, T., Loke, L. (2006) Designing an Immersive Environment for Public Use. In Proceedings PDC2006, Trento, Italy, 1-5 August, 2006.
Loke, L., Robertson, T. and Mansfield, T. (2005) Moving Bodies, Social Selves: Movement-oriented Personas and Scenarios. In Proceedings of OZCHI 2005.
Loke, L., Larssen, A. T. and Robertson, T. (2005) Labanotation for Design of Movement-Based Interaction. In Proceedings of Interactive Entertainment 2005.
Robertson, T., Mansfield, T. and Loke, L. (2004) Human-Centred Design Issues For Immersive Media Spaces. In Proceedings of Future Ground 2004, the Design Research Society’s International Conference.
Larssen, A. T., Loke, L., Robertson, T. & Edwards, J. (2004) Movement as Input for Interaction – A Study and Evaluation of two Eyetoy(TM) Games. In Proceedings of OZCHI 2004
Oliver Bown, Angelo Fraietta, Lian Loke, and Sam Ferguson. 2020. Creative Coding and Interaction Design for Media Multiplicities: Challenges, Paradigms and Frameworks. In Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI ’20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 877–880. DOI:
Núñez-Pacheco, C. and Loke, L. (2017) The Body as a Source of Aesthetic Qualities for Design: Explorations and Techniques. TEI17 Yokohama, Japan.
Schiphorst, T. and Loke, L. CHI2015 COURSE Body, Whys & Videotape: Applying Somatic Techniques to User Experience in HCI.
Breaking Movement Habits workshop for RMIT industrial design studio "Design Research Context: Creative Strategies for Physical Health", 2014 and 2015.
Loke, L. and Wadley, G. (2014) Health, Well-being and the Body workshop, OZCHI 2014, Sydney, Australia.
Schiphorst, T., Sheppard, R., Loke, L. and Lin, C.C. Beautiful Dance Moves: Mapping Movement, Technology & Computation Workshop, Creativity & Cognition 2013. Monday, 17th June, Sydney, Australia.
Schiphorst, T. and Loke, L. CHI2013 COURSE Body, Whys & Videotape: Applying Somatic Techniques to User Experience in HCI,Whys&Videotape_CHI2013Course/
Loke, L. and Robertson, T. (Eds. 2012) Proceedings of OZCHI2012 The 2nd International Body In Design Workshop. Interaction Design and Work Practice Lab. ISBN 978-0-9757948-6-9
Loke, L. and Reinhardt, D. (2012) First Steps in Body-Machine Choreography. Position Paper in Proceedings of The 2nd International Body In Design workshop, OZCHI 2012. ISBN 978-0-9757948-6-9
Feltham, F. and Loke, L. (2012) The Slow Floor: towards an awareness of bodily movement through interactive walking surfaces. Position Paper in Proceedings of The 2nd International Body In Design workshop, OZCHI 2012. ISBN 978-0-9757948-6-9
Loke, L. and Robertson, T. (Eds. 2011) Proceedings of OZCHI2011 The Body In Design Workshop. Interaction Design and Work Practice Lab. ISBN 978-0-9757948-5-2
Loke, L. (2011) Shaping and Understanding Audience Bodily Experience. Position Paper in Proceedings of The Body In Design workshop, OZCHI 2011.
Kocaballi, A. B., Gemeinboeck, P., Saunders, R., Dong, A. and Loke, L. (2011) Multiplicity through Connectivity: Investigating Body-Technology-Space Couplings in Participatory Activities. Position Paper in Proceedings of The Body In Design workshop, OZCHI 2011.
Loke, L. and Robertson, T. (2011) Moving and Making Strange: An Embodied Approach to Interactive Technology Design. Position Paper in Proceedings of Embodied Interaction Workshop, CHI2011.
Muller, L. and Loke, L. (2010) Take Part: participatory methods in art and design. In Proceedings of the 11th Biennial Participatory Design Conference (PDC ’10). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 283-284.
Pigeon Body workshop, xClinic, New York University, 2009
Body Topography workshop, Urban Islands Design Studio, Cockatoo Island, directed by Tom Rivard, Olivia Hyde, Jo Jakovich, July 2007
Loke, L. and Robertson, T. (2005) Movement-oriented Personas and Scenarios, In Proceedings of Approaches to Movement-based Interaction Workshop, Critical Computing 4th Aarhus Conference, Aarhus, Denmark, 21 August, 2005.
Loke, L. and Larssen, A. T. (2005) Gesture and Eyetoy(TM): A Human-Centred Analysis of Movement-based Interaction, Gesture Interaction Workshop presentation, NICTA.
Loke, L. and Schiphorst, T. 2018. The somatic turn in human-computer interaction. Interactions 25, 5 (August 2018), 54-58. DOI:
Loke, L. Snoösphere: Transforming pathology into play. In Anxiety, Artlink Issue 37:3 (September 2017).
Bown, O. and Loke, L. (eds) (2015) Musify+Gamify: Catalogue, Musify+Gamify: Catalogue. Sydney. May 26th-June 6th, 2015.
Bown, O. and Loke, L. (2015) Playthings: the mishmashed world of musified games and gamified music. In Musify+Gamify: Catalogue. Sydney. May 26th-June 6th, 2015.
Work featured in Eli Blevis, Sabrina Hauser, and William Odom. 2015. Sharing the hidden treasure in pictorials. interactions 22, 3 (April 2015), 32-43. DOI=10.1145/2755534
Rivard, T., Lewarne, M., Warren, P., Loke, L., Luke, L. and Veronesi, F. A Carriage(work). In Catalogue of Expanded Architecture, Broken Dimanche Press Berlin, 2011.
Poem in Monument Issue 98 Aug/Sep 2010, response to photos by Sonia Mangiapane.
Loke, Lian (2009). Moving and Making Strange: A Design Methodology for Movement-based Interactive Technologies, University of Technology, Sydney.
Doctoral supervisors: A/Prof Toni Robertson (UTS), A/Prof John Leaney (UTS)
Examiners: Prof Lucy Suchman (Lancaster University), Prof Bill Gaver (Goldsmiths, University of London), Dr Maxine Sheets-Johnston
Tomitsch, M., Borthwick, M., Ahmadpour, N., Cooper, C., Frawley, J., Hepburn, L.A., Kocaballi, A.B., Loke, L., Núñez-Pacheco, C., Straker, K., Wrigley, C. Design. Think. Make. Break. Repeat. A Handbook of Methods (revised ed.). BIS Publishers, NL, 2021.
Tomitsch, M., Wrigley, C., Borthwick, M., Ahmadpour, N., Frawley, J.K., Kocaballi, A.B., Núñez-Pacheco, C., Straker, K., Loke, L. Design. Think. Make. Break. Repeat: A Handbook of Methods. BIS Publishers, NL, 2018.
Loke, L., Reinhardt, D. (2023). Rouge and Robot: The Disruptive Feminine. In Belinda J. Dunstan, Jeffrey T. K. V. Koh, Deborah Turnbull Tillman, Scott Andrew (Eds.), Cultural Robotics: Social Robots and Their Emergent Cultural Ecologies, (pp. 237-255). Switzerland: Springer Cham.
Loke L., Matthews B. (2020). Scaffolding of Interaction Design Education Towards Ethical Design Thinking. In: Melles G. (eds) Design Thinking in Higher Education. Design Science and Innovation. Springer, Singapore.
Loke, L. and Khut, G.P. (2014). Intimate Aesthetics and Facilitated Interaction. In Candy, L., Ferguson, S. (Eds.) Interactive Experience in the Digital Age – Evaluating New Art Practice, Springer International Publishing. ISBN 978-3-319-04510-8
Reinhardt, D. and Loke, L. (2013). Entangled. Complex Bodies and Sensate Machines. In Dong, A., Conomos, J., Buckley, B. (Eds.) Ecologies of Invention, University of Sydney Press.
Richards, K., Gibson, R., Loke, L. (2006). Bystander – A Responsive, Immersive ‘Spirit World’ Environment for Multiple Users. In P Beesley, S Hirosue, J Ruxton, M Trankle, C Turner (Eds.), Responsive Architectures: Subtle Technologies 2006, (pp. 106-109). Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Riverside Architectural Press.
Tait, K., Silveira, S., Holloway, L., Reinhardt, D., Loke, L., Jones, E. (2023). Ensuring playground access for children with vision impairment. Vision Rehabilitation International, 14(1), 1-11.
Dias Pereira dos Santos, A., Loke, L., Yacef, K., Martinez-Maldonado, R. (2022). Enriching teachers’ assessments of rhythmic Forró dance skills by modelling motion sensor data. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 161(102776), 1-14.
Mah, K., Loke, L., Hespanhol, L. (2021). Towards a Contemplative Research Framework for Training Self-Observation in HCI: A Study of Compassion Cultivation. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 28(6).
Chew, L., Hespanhol, L., Loke, L. (2021). To Play and To Be Played: Exploring the Design of Urban Machines for Playful Placemaking. Frontiers in Computer Science, 3, 635949-1-635949-17.
Peters, D., Loke, L., Ahmadpour, N. (2021). Toolkits, cards and games - A review of analogue tools for design ideation. CoDesign, 1-25.
Cochrane, K., Loke, L., Ahmadpour, N., Schiphorst, T., Campbell, A., and Núñez-Pacheco, C. (2021). A Comparison Design Study of Feedback Modalities to Support Deep Breathing Whilst Performing Work Tasks. WORK - A Journal of Prevention Assessment & Rehabilitation.
Claudia Núñez-Pacheco & Lian Loke (2020) Getting into someone else's soul: communicating embodied experience, Digital Creativity, DOI: 10.1080/14626268.2020.1835987
Reinhardt, D., Haeusler, M. H., London, K., Loke, L., Feng, Y., De Oliveira Barata, E., Firth, C., Dunn, K., Khean, N., Fabbri, A., Wozniak-O’Connor, D., & Masuda, R. (2020). CoBuilt 4.0: Investigating the potential of collaborative robotics for subject matter experts. International Journal of Architectural Computing.
Khan, M., Loke, L. (2019). A Nexus of Social Justice, Tradition, and Disaster Risk Reduction in Balakot, Pakistan: Fostering Independence or Dependence?. Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Review, 29(1), 63-82.
Núñez-Pacheco, C. and Loke, L. (2018) Towards a technique for articulating aesthetic experiences in design using Focusing and the Felt Sense.
The Design Journal.
Loke, L. and Núñez-Pacheco, C. (2018) Developing somatic sensibilities for practices of discernment in interaction design. The Senses and Society Journal 13 (2), July 2018.
Höök K, Caramiaux B, Erkut C, Forlizzi J, Hajinejad N, Haller M, Hummels CCM, Isbister K, Jonsson M, Khut G, Loke L, Lottridge D, Marti P, Melcer E, Müller FF, Petersen MG, Schiphorst T, Segura EM, Ståhl A, Svanæs D, Tholander J, Tobiasson H. Embracing First-Person Perspectives in Soma-Based Design. Informatics 5(1) 2018, 8.
Khan, M.A. and Loke, L. (2017) A Nexus of Social Justice, Tradition, and Disaster Risk Reduction in Balakot, Pakistan: Fostering Independence or Dependence? Field Report TDSR Volume XXIX (I) 2017, 63-82.
Khan, M.A. and Loke, L. (2017) Locative media interventionism – a conceptual framework for critical review of augmented reality applications in the participatory spatial design context. International Journal of Architectural Research. Volume 11 (1), March 2017.
Loke, L. (2016) Falling Robots. Fibreculture Journal, issue 28 (Creative Robotics – Rethinking Human Machine Configurations).
Loke, L. and Kocaballi, A.B. (2016) Choreographic inscriptions: A framework for exploring sociomaterial influences on qualities of movement for HCI. Human Technology Journal Special issue on Human–Technology Choreographies: Body, Movement, and Space. Volume 12 (1), May 2016, 31-55.
Reinhardt, D. and Loke, L. (2013) GOLD (Monstrous Topographies) – Exploring Bodies in Complex Spatiality: Trespassing, Invading, Forging Body(ies). International Journal of Interior Architecture + Spatial Design, Vol. 2.
Loke, L. and Robertson, T. (2013) Moving and Making Strange: An Embodied Approach to Movement-based Interaction Design. ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact. 20, 1, Article 7 (March 2013), 25 pages. Special issue on The Theory and Practice of Embodied Interaction in HCI and Interaction Design.
Loke, L., Khut, G., Muller, L., Slattery, M., Truman, C. and Duckworth, J. (2013) Re-sensitising the body: Interactive art and the Feldenkrais Method. International Journal of Arts and Technology, Special Issue on Whole-Body Interaction.
Loke, L. and Robertson, T. (2010) Studies of dancers: Moving from experience to interaction design. International Journal of Design, 4(2), pp.39-54, Special Issue on Aesthetics of Interaction.
Loke, L. and Robertson, T. (2009) Design representations of moving bodies in interactive, immersive spaces, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 67 (4), pp.394-410.
Loke, L., Larssen, A. T., Robertson, T., Edwards, J. (2007) Understanding Movement for Interaction Design: Frameworks and Approaches, Journal Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Special Issue on Movement-Based Interaction.
Larssen, A.T., Robertson, T., Loke, L. and Edwards, J. (Eds.) Introduction to the special issue on movement-based interaction. Journal Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Special Issue on Movement-Based Interaction, 11 (8), 607-608, December 2007.
Reinhardt, D., Silveira, S., Tait, K., Loke, L., Jones, E., Holloway, L. (2023). Playground for Blind and Low-Vision Children - Improving Access and Play for Children, Parents and Carers in Cities. International Union of Architects (UIA), Switzerland: World Congress of Architects.
Ahmadpour, N., Loke, L., Gray, C., Cao, Y., Macdonald, C., Hart, R. (2023). Understanding how technology can support social-emotional learning of children: a dyadic trauma-informed participatory design with proxies. CHI '23: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Hamburg, Germany: ACM CHI.
Abe, N., Rye, D., Loke, L. (2022). A Microsociological Approach to Understanding the Boundary Between Robot Cooperativeness and Uncooperativeness in Human-Robot Collaboration. RO-MAN 2022 - 31st IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication: Social, Asocial, and Antisocial Robots, : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Lian Loke, Aaron Blishen, Carl Gray, and Naseem Ahmadpour. 2021. Safety, Connection and Reflection: Designing with Therapists for Children with Serious Emotional Behaviour Issues . In CHI ’21: The ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, May 8-13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan. ACM, New York, NY, USA.
Karen Anne Cochrane, Lian Loke, Matthew Leete, Andrew Campbell, and Naseem Ahmadpour. Understanding the First Person Experience of Walking Mindfulness Meditation Facilitated by EEG Modulated Interactive Soundscape. In TEI '21: Fifteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction, February 14–17, 2021, Salzburg, Austria. ACM, New York, NY, USA.
Louis Chew, Lian Loke, and Luke Hespanhol. 2020. A Preliminary Design Vocabulary for Interactive Urban Play: Analysing and Composing Design Configurations for Playful Digital Placemaking. In OzCHI ’20: Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction, December 02–04, 2020, Sydney, NSW . ACM, New York, NY, USA.
Karen Anne Cochrane, Lian Loke, Andrew Campbell, and Naseem Ahmadpour. 2020. Mediscape: Preliminary Design Guidelines for Interactive Rhythmic Soundscapes for Entraining Novice Mindfulness Meditators. In OzCHI ’20: Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction, December 02–04, 2020, Sydney, NSW . ACM, New York, NY, USA.
Kristina Mah, Lian Loke, and Luke Hespanhol. 2020. Understanding Compassion Cultivation for Design: Towards an Autoethnography of Tonglen. In OzCHI ’20: Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction, December 02–04, 2020, Sydney, NSW . ACM, New York, NY, USA.
Joanne Martin, Lian Loke, and Kazjon Grace. 2020. Challenges facing movement research in the time of Covid-19: Issues in redesigning workshops for remote participation and data collection. In OzCHI ’20: Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction, December 02–04, 2020, Sydney, NSW . ACM, New York, NY, USA.
Núñez-Pacheco, C. and Loke, L. (2020) Aesthetic Qualities of Thermal and Vibrotactile Materials for Somatic Contemplation. ISEA Montreal, Canada.
Karen Anne Cochrane, Lian Loke, Andrew Campbell, Matthew Leete, and Naseem Ahmadpour. 2020. An Interactive Soundscape to Assist Group Walking Mindfulness Meditation. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Movement and Computing (MOCO ’20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 21, 1–3. DOI:
Kristina Mah, Lian Loke, and Luke Hespanhol. 2020. Designing With Ritual Interaction: A Novel Approach to Compassion Cultivation Through a Buddhist-Inspired Interactive Artwork. In Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI ’20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 363–375. DOI: Honourable Mention Award.
Louis Chew, Karen Anne Cochrane, Luke Hespanhol, and Lian Loke. 2020. Sounds of Infinity: Playful Illusions with Performative Interaction. In Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI ’20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 669–675. DOI:
Frank Feltham, James Curtis, and Lian Loke. 2020. The Prefix/Suffix Model: Data Extraction to Encourage Expressive Walking Movements through Sonification. In Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI ’20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 545–550. DOI:
Reinhardt, D., Haeusler, M.H., Loke, L., Barata, E., Firth, C., Khean, N., London, K., Feng, Y., & Watt, R. CoBuilt Towards a novel methodology for workflow capture and analysis of carpentry tasks for human-robot collaboration. In Matter - DIGITAL PRODUCTION AND ROBOTICS 2 - Volume 3 - eCAADe 37 / SIGraDi 23, 207- 216.
Bown, O., Ferguson, S., Bray, L., Fraietta, A., Loke, L. (2019). Facilitating Creative Exploratory Search with Multiple Networked Audio Devices Using HappyBrackets. In Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, UFRGS, 286–291.
Abe, N., Rye, D. and Loke, L. 2019. A Microsociological Approach to Understanding the Robot Collaborative Motion in Human-Robot Interaction. In Proceedings of the 31st Australian Conference on Human-Computer-Interaction (OZCHI’19). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 407–411.
Lian Loke, Oliver Bown, Samuel Ferguson, Liam Bray, Angelo Fraietta, Kirsten Packham, 2018. Your Move Sounds So Predictable! In Proc. 2018 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play Companion Extended Abstracts, ACM, 121-125.
Augusto Dias Pereira Dos Santos, Lie Ming Tang, Lian Loke and Roberto Martinez-Maldonado (2018) You Are Off The Beat! Is Accelerometer Data Enough for Measuring Dance Rhythm? In Proc. MOCO 2018. Italy.
Dias Pereira dos Santos, A., Loke, L. and Martinez-Maldonado, R. 2018. Exploring video annotation as a tool to support dance teaching. In Proceedings of the 30th Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction (OzCHI '18). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 448-452.
Cochrane, K.A., Loke, L., de Bérigny, C. and Campbell, A. 2018. Sounds in the moment: designing an interactive EEG nature soundscape for novice mindfulness meditators. In Proceedings of the 30th Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction (OzCHI '18). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 298-302.
Alarcon-Licona, S., Loke, L. and Ahmadpour, N. 2018. From autism educators to game designers: integrating teaching strategies into game design for autism education support. In Proceedings of the 30th Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction (OzCHI '18). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 58-62.
Alarcon-Licona, S. and Loke, L. (2017) Autistic Children’s Use of Technology and Media: A Fieldwork Study. IDC '17, June 27-30, 2017, Stanford, CA, USA.
Feltham, F. and Loke, L. (2017) Felt Sense through Auditory Display: A Design Case Study into Sound for Somatic Awareness while Walking. Creativity and Cognition 2017, Singapore.
Loke, L., de Berigny, C., Kim, Y., Núñez-Pacheco, C, and Cochrane, K. (2017) Visualising the Meditating Mind: the Aesthetics of Brainwave Data. ISEA2017, Columbia.
Núñez-Pacheco, C. and Loke, L. (2017) Tacit Narratives: Surfacing Aesthetic Meaning by Using Wearable Props and Focusing. In Proc. TEI17. Yokohama, Japan.
Núñez-Pacheco, C. and Loke, L. (2016) Felt-sensing Archetypes: Analysing Patterns of Accessing Tacit Meaning in Design. In Proc. OZCHI2016. Launceston, Australia.
Núñez-Pacheco, C. and Loke, L. (2015) The Felt Sense Project: Towards A Methodological Framework For Designing and Crafting from the Inner Self. ISEA2015, Vancouver, Canada.
Bown, O., Loke, L., Ferguson, S. and Reinhardt, D. (2015) Distributed Interactive Audio Devices: Creative strategies and audience responses to novel musical interaction scenarios. In Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Electronic Art. Vancouver, Canada. August 14th-18th, 2015.
Loke, L., Reinhardt, D. and McNeilly, J. (2015) Performer-Machine Scores for Choreographing Bodies, Interaction and Kinetic Materials. In Proc. MOCO'15, 2nd International Workshop on Movement and Computing: Intersecting Art, Meaning, Cognition, Technology, ACM.
Khan, M.A. and Loke, L. (2014) Reclamation of public space authorship: What does augmented reality have to offer. IASTE 2014, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Núñez-Pacheco, C. and Loke, L. (2014) Aesthetic Resources for Technology-mediated Self-reflection: The Case of Eloquent Robes. In OZCHI 2014.
Núñez-Pacheco, C. and Loke, L. (2014) Crafting the Body-Tool: A Body-centred Perspective on Wearable Technology Design. In DIS '14: Proceedings of the 2014 Designing Interactive Systems Conference, ACM.
Feltham, F., Loke, L., van den Hoven, E., Hannam, J. and Bongers, B. (2014) The Slow Floor: Increasing creative agency while walking on an interactive surface. In Proc. TEI ’14, ACM.
Pohl, I.M. and Loke, L. (2014) Touch Toolkit: A method to convey touch-based design knowledge and skills. In Proc. TEI ’14, ACM.
Loke, L. and Robertson, T. (2013) Moving and Making Strange: An Embodied Approach to Movement-based Interaction Design. Presented at CHI2013, Paris, France.
Reinhardt, D. and Loke, L. (2013) Not What We Think: Sensate Machines for Rewiring Cognition. In Proc. Creativity and Cognition 2013, ACM.
Kocaballi, A.B., Gemeinboeck, P., Saunders, R., Dong, A., and Loke, L. Interplay of scripts and resistance in a participatory workshop. In Cleland, K., Fisher, L. & Harley, R. (2013) Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium of Electronic Art, ISEA2013, Sydney.
Pohl, I. and Loke, L. (2012) Engaging the Sense of Touch in Interactive Architecture. In Proceedings of the 24th Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference (OzCHI ’12), Vivienne Farrell, Graham Farrell, Caslon Chua, Weidong Huang, Raj Vasa, and Clinton Woodward (Eds.). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 493-496.
Loke, L., Khut, G. P. and Kocaballi, A. B. (2012) Bodily Experience and Imagination: Designing Ritual Interactions for Participatory Live-Art Contexts. In Proceedings of the Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS ’12). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 779-788.
Kocaballi, A. B., Gemeinboeck, P., Saunders, R., Dong, A. and Loke, L. (2012) Transformations, Enactments, and Distrust in Promoting Multiplicity in Design Process. Participatory Innovation Conference PIN-C2012, Melbourne, Australia.
Kocaballi, A. B., Gemeinboeck, P., Saunders, R., Dong, A. and Loke, L. (2012) Embracing Relational Agency in Design Process. Design and Semantics of Form and Movement DESFORM 2012, Wellington, New Zealand.
Kocaballi, A. B., Gemeinboeck, P., Saunders, R., Dong, A. and Loke, L. (2011) Embracing Relational Agency in Design Process of Machine-Mediated Performances. SEAM Symposium 2011, Critical Path, Sydney.
Loke, L. and Robertson, T. (2011) The Lived Body in Design: Mapping the Terrain. In Proceedings of OZCHI 2011.
Loke, L. and Khut, G. P. (2010) Surging Verticality: An Experience of Balance. In Proceedings of TEI2011.
Robertson, T. and Loke, L. (2009) Designing Situations. In Proceedings of OZCHI 2009.
Loke L. and Robertson T. (2008) Inventing and Devising Movement in the Design of Movement-based Interactive Systems. In Proceedings of OZCHI 2008, pp. 81-88.
Loke, L., Robertson, T. (2007) Making Strange with the Falling Body in Interactive Technology Design. In Proceedings of Design and Semantics of Form and Movement (DeSForM 2007), eds L. Feijs, S. Kyffin & B. Young, Newcastle, UK.
Robertson, T., Mansfield, T., Loke, L. (2006) Designing an Immersive Environment for Public Use. In Proceedings PDC2006, Trento, Italy, 1-5 August, 2006.
Loke, L., Robertson, T. and Mansfield, T. (2005) Moving Bodies, Social Selves: Movement-oriented Personas and Scenarios. In Proceedings of OZCHI 2005.
Loke, L., Larssen, A. T. and Robertson, T. (2005) Labanotation for Design of Movement-Based Interaction. In Proceedings of Interactive Entertainment 2005.
Robertson, T., Mansfield, T. and Loke, L. (2004) Human-Centred Design Issues For Immersive Media Spaces. In Proceedings of Future Ground 2004, the Design Research Society’s International Conference.
Larssen, A. T., Loke, L., Robertson, T. & Edwards, J. (2004) Movement as Input for Interaction – A Study and Evaluation of two Eyetoy(TM) Games. In Proceedings of OZCHI 2004
Oliver Bown, Angelo Fraietta, Lian Loke, and Sam Ferguson. 2020. Creative Coding and Interaction Design for Media Multiplicities: Challenges, Paradigms and Frameworks. In Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI ’20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 877–880. DOI:
Núñez-Pacheco, C. and Loke, L. (2017) The Body as a Source of Aesthetic Qualities for Design: Explorations and Techniques. TEI17 Yokohama, Japan.
Schiphorst, T. and Loke, L. CHI2015 COURSE Body, Whys & Videotape: Applying Somatic Techniques to User Experience in HCI.
Breaking Movement Habits workshop for RMIT industrial design studio "Design Research Context: Creative Strategies for Physical Health", 2014 and 2015.
Loke, L. and Wadley, G. (2014) Health, Well-being and the Body workshop, OZCHI 2014, Sydney, Australia.
Schiphorst, T., Sheppard, R., Loke, L. and Lin, C.C. Beautiful Dance Moves: Mapping Movement, Technology & Computation Workshop, Creativity & Cognition 2013. Monday, 17th June, Sydney, Australia.
Schiphorst, T. and Loke, L. CHI2013 COURSE Body, Whys & Videotape: Applying Somatic Techniques to User Experience in HCI,Whys&Videotape_CHI2013Course/
Loke, L. and Robertson, T. (Eds. 2012) Proceedings of OZCHI2012 The 2nd International Body In Design Workshop. Interaction Design and Work Practice Lab. ISBN 978-0-9757948-6-9
Loke, L. and Reinhardt, D. (2012) First Steps in Body-Machine Choreography. Position Paper in Proceedings of The 2nd International Body In Design workshop, OZCHI 2012. ISBN 978-0-9757948-6-9
Feltham, F. and Loke, L. (2012) The Slow Floor: towards an awareness of bodily movement through interactive walking surfaces. Position Paper in Proceedings of The 2nd International Body In Design workshop, OZCHI 2012. ISBN 978-0-9757948-6-9
Loke, L. and Robertson, T. (Eds. 2011) Proceedings of OZCHI2011 The Body In Design Workshop. Interaction Design and Work Practice Lab. ISBN 978-0-9757948-5-2
Loke, L. (2011) Shaping and Understanding Audience Bodily Experience. Position Paper in Proceedings of The Body In Design workshop, OZCHI 2011.
Kocaballi, A. B., Gemeinboeck, P., Saunders, R., Dong, A. and Loke, L. (2011) Multiplicity through Connectivity: Investigating Body-Technology-Space Couplings in Participatory Activities. Position Paper in Proceedings of The Body In Design workshop, OZCHI 2011.
Loke, L. and Robertson, T. (2011) Moving and Making Strange: An Embodied Approach to Interactive Technology Design. Position Paper in Proceedings of Embodied Interaction Workshop, CHI2011.
Muller, L. and Loke, L. (2010) Take Part: participatory methods in art and design. In Proceedings of the 11th Biennial Participatory Design Conference (PDC ’10). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 283-284.
Pigeon Body workshop, xClinic, New York University, 2009
Body Topography workshop, Urban Islands Design Studio, Cockatoo Island, directed by Tom Rivard, Olivia Hyde, Jo Jakovich, July 2007
Loke, L. and Robertson, T. (2005) Movement-oriented Personas and Scenarios, In Proceedings of Approaches to Movement-based Interaction Workshop, Critical Computing 4th Aarhus Conference, Aarhus, Denmark, 21 August, 2005.
Loke, L. and Larssen, A. T. (2005) Gesture and Eyetoy(TM): A Human-Centred Analysis of Movement-based Interaction, Gesture Interaction Workshop presentation, NICTA.
Loke, L. and Schiphorst, T. 2018. The somatic turn in human-computer interaction. Interactions 25, 5 (August 2018), 54-58. DOI:
Loke, L. Snoösphere: Transforming pathology into play. In Anxiety, Artlink Issue 37:3 (September 2017).
Bown, O. and Loke, L. (eds) (2015) Musify+Gamify: Catalogue, Musify+Gamify: Catalogue. Sydney. May 26th-June 6th, 2015.
Bown, O. and Loke, L. (2015) Playthings: the mishmashed world of musified games and gamified music. In Musify+Gamify: Catalogue. Sydney. May 26th-June 6th, 2015.
Work featured in Eli Blevis, Sabrina Hauser, and William Odom. 2015. Sharing the hidden treasure in pictorials. interactions 22, 3 (April 2015), 32-43. DOI=10.1145/2755534
Rivard, T., Lewarne, M., Warren, P., Loke, L., Luke, L. and Veronesi, F. A Carriage(work). In Catalogue of Expanded Architecture, Broken Dimanche Press Berlin, 2011.
Poem in Monument Issue 98 Aug/Sep 2010, response to photos by Sonia Mangiapane.
Loke, Lian (2009). Moving and Making Strange: A Design Methodology for Movement-based Interactive Technologies, University of Technology, Sydney.
Doctoral supervisors: A/Prof Toni Robertson (UTS), A/Prof John Leaney (UTS)
Examiners: Prof Lucy Suchman (Lancaster University), Prof Bill Gaver (Goldsmiths, University of London), Dr Maxine Sheets-Johnston
Abstract |
Table of Contents |
Chapter 1: Introduction |
Chapter 2: Interaction Design |
Chapter 3: The Moving Body |
Chapter 4: Research Methodology |
Chapter 5: Project I. Eyetoy |
Chapter 6: Project II. Bystander |
Chapter 7: Project III. Falling into Dance |
Chapter 8: Reflection on Tools |
Chapter 9: A Design Methodology of Moving and Making Strange |
Chapter 10: Conclusions and Future Work |