I am often invited to chair panel discussions and give talks on a range of topics.
How to Use Design Thinking as a UX Designer. UX Indonesia Meetup July 2020.
Design as an innovative approach to health and well-being. Research seminar Centre for Health Informatics, Australian Institute of Health Innovation, Macquarie University 2019.
Speaker on panel MOVE Symposium, UNSWAD, Sydney Design Festival 2019.
Speaker for International Womens Day 2019, Willoughby City Council.
Chair Designing 2118 Panel, Sydney Centenary Symposium 2018, Carriageworks, Sydney.
Keynote speaker, An Aesthetics of Slow: Designing for Experience in the Attention Economy - Insights from Somatics. Moodle Moot Australia 2017, Sydney, September 2017.
No Standing Only Dancing. School of Interactive Art and Technology, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada, February 2017.
Panelist The Future Body forum. Critical Path Choreographic Research Centre. December 2016.
Dance First, Think Second: Choreographing Bodies, Code and other stuff. Interactive Arts Meetup, December 2016.
Panelist Back To The Future. OZCHI Launceston, December 2016.
From Geeks to Fitness Freaks (aka Can Technology Turn Us Into Elite Athletes). Raising the Bar University of Sydney, October 2016, Cake Wines. Podcast
Chair Designing Human Experience: Physical vs. Digital panel. Sydney Design 2016. Powerhouse Museum. September 2016.
Creatives Panel, Telstra Imaginarium, 30th September 2015.
The Power of Creative Presentations, Telstra Imaginarium, 20th September 2015
Urban Islands Pecha Kucha, 2015.
Chair, The Future of Music, Vivid Sydney Ideas Talk, Seymour Centre, May 2015.
Talk on Body-centred Interactivity for Dorkbot/Musify+Gamify, UNSW Art + Design, 18th May 2015
Chair Sydney Ideas Talk, In Conversation: She Only Barks At Night, Artistic Director Michelle St Anne, Living Room Theatre Company and Dr Jude Philp, Curator Macleay Museum, 2014.
Panel talk, I'm not creative, but ... Sydney Ideas, Seymour Centre, June 2014.
Chair, Creative Coding panel talk, Thursday Night Lecture Series, Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning, University of Sydney, May 2014.
Loke, L. The Transdisciplinary Nature of the Body. Keynote talk, COFA PG Conference, 2014.
Urban Islands Pecha Kucha, 2014.
Loke, L. and Reinhardt, D. Distributed Choreographies for Sensate Machines. Roundtable presentation SEAM Symposium 2013, Critical Path, Sydney.
Loke, L. Moving and Making Strange, Design approaches for movement-based interactions, Design Lab seminar, University of Sydney, 30th October 2013.
Artist talk on Dissentience Exhibition ISEA2013, Spaces and Architectures 3-4pm @ The Lounge, MCA, 9th June 2013
Intimate Aesthetics and Facilitated Interaction talk, Body and Technology: Instruments of Somaesthetics conference, Florida Atlantic University, USA, 2013.
Loke, L. and Davies, M. (2012) My Mind Y/Our Body presentation, Theatre and Performance Research Association (TAPRA) Conference - Hybridity and New Media Performance: The Intersections between Performance and Science, University of Kent, UK.
Loke, L. and Reinhardt, D. (2012) Black Spring presentation. Biome Symposium, University of Sydney.
The Art of Fact & Fiction gallery discussion, Natural Digressions, UTS Gallery, April 2011.
Thinking Through The Body group presentation, SEAM Symposium 2010, Seymour Centre, Sydney.
Pecha Kucha artist talk, Biennale of Sydney, Superdeluxe, Artspace, 2010.
How to Use Design Thinking as a UX Designer. UX Indonesia Meetup July 2020.
Design as an innovative approach to health and well-being. Research seminar Centre for Health Informatics, Australian Institute of Health Innovation, Macquarie University 2019.
Speaker on panel MOVE Symposium, UNSWAD, Sydney Design Festival 2019.
Speaker for International Womens Day 2019, Willoughby City Council.
Chair Designing 2118 Panel, Sydney Centenary Symposium 2018, Carriageworks, Sydney.
Keynote speaker, An Aesthetics of Slow: Designing for Experience in the Attention Economy - Insights from Somatics. Moodle Moot Australia 2017, Sydney, September 2017.
No Standing Only Dancing. School of Interactive Art and Technology, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada, February 2017.
Panelist The Future Body forum. Critical Path Choreographic Research Centre. December 2016.
Dance First, Think Second: Choreographing Bodies, Code and other stuff. Interactive Arts Meetup, December 2016.
Panelist Back To The Future. OZCHI Launceston, December 2016.
From Geeks to Fitness Freaks (aka Can Technology Turn Us Into Elite Athletes). Raising the Bar University of Sydney, October 2016, Cake Wines. Podcast
Chair Designing Human Experience: Physical vs. Digital panel. Sydney Design 2016. Powerhouse Museum. September 2016.
Creatives Panel, Telstra Imaginarium, 30th September 2015.
The Power of Creative Presentations, Telstra Imaginarium, 20th September 2015
Urban Islands Pecha Kucha, 2015.
Chair, The Future of Music, Vivid Sydney Ideas Talk, Seymour Centre, May 2015.
Talk on Body-centred Interactivity for Dorkbot/Musify+Gamify, UNSW Art + Design, 18th May 2015
Chair Sydney Ideas Talk, In Conversation: She Only Barks At Night, Artistic Director Michelle St Anne, Living Room Theatre Company and Dr Jude Philp, Curator Macleay Museum, 2014.
Panel talk, I'm not creative, but ... Sydney Ideas, Seymour Centre, June 2014.
Chair, Creative Coding panel talk, Thursday Night Lecture Series, Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning, University of Sydney, May 2014.
Loke, L. The Transdisciplinary Nature of the Body. Keynote talk, COFA PG Conference, 2014.
Urban Islands Pecha Kucha, 2014.
Loke, L. and Reinhardt, D. Distributed Choreographies for Sensate Machines. Roundtable presentation SEAM Symposium 2013, Critical Path, Sydney.
Loke, L. Moving and Making Strange, Design approaches for movement-based interactions, Design Lab seminar, University of Sydney, 30th October 2013.
Artist talk on Dissentience Exhibition ISEA2013, Spaces and Architectures 3-4pm @ The Lounge, MCA, 9th June 2013
Intimate Aesthetics and Facilitated Interaction talk, Body and Technology: Instruments of Somaesthetics conference, Florida Atlantic University, USA, 2013.
Loke, L. and Davies, M. (2012) My Mind Y/Our Body presentation, Theatre and Performance Research Association (TAPRA) Conference - Hybridity and New Media Performance: The Intersections between Performance and Science, University of Kent, UK.
Loke, L. and Reinhardt, D. (2012) Black Spring presentation. Biome Symposium, University of Sydney.
The Art of Fact & Fiction gallery discussion, Natural Digressions, UTS Gallery, April 2011.
Thinking Through The Body group presentation, SEAM Symposium 2010, Seymour Centre, Sydney.
Pecha Kucha artist talk, Biennale of Sydney, Superdeluxe, Artspace, 2010.