Loke, L. and Kocaballi, A.B. Choreographic inscriptions: A framework for exploring sociomaterial influences on qualities of movement for HCI. Human Technology Journal Special issue on Human–Technology Choreographies: Body, Movement, and Space. Volume 12 (1), May 2016, 31-55.
http://humantechnology.jyu.fi/archives/abstracts/loke-kocaballi16.html Núñez-Pacheco, C. and Loke, L. (2015) The Felt Sense Project: Towards A Methodological Framework For Designing and Crafting from the Inner Self. ISEA2015, Vancouver.
Loke, L., Reinhardt, D. and McNeilly, J. (2015) Performer-Machine Scores for Choreographing Bodies, Interaction and Kinetic Materials. In Proc. MOCO'15, 2nd International Workshop on Movement and Computing: Intersecting Art, Meaning, Cognition, Technology, ACM ![]() Chapter essay by Dagmar Reinhardt and Lian Loke, “Entangled: Complex Bodies and Sensate Machines” Ecologies of Invention Edited by Andy Dong, John Conomos and Brad Buckley Sydney University Press http://sydney.edu.au/news/architecture/274.html?newscategoryid=141&newsstoryid=12513 |